• Balloon bouquets in the grad’s high school or college colors set the tone. They also let your guests know where they might find certain things at your event (ie. food, drinks, games, etc). Balloon bouquets, arches, letters, large and small define your space.
• Line your driveway and walkway with signage: Photo signs, college banners or photo luminaries. The entrance sets the stage, make sure to customize it! Life-size grad cutouts transform your space and create an outstanding picture opportunity for your guests.
• A photo and memorabilia table that shows who your grad is so that everyone gets to enjoy them and their accomplishments. Family photos, activity photos (hockey, dance, etc), yearbooks, trophies, and videos are just some of the things that you can decorate with.

• A graduation sign-in is a great way to let guests wish your grad congratulations. They can be done in a variety of ways, but don’t miss this opportunity to let guests send or write well wishes. (Digitally or written capture the sentiment.)
• Digital décor is on-trend: Have the television on a loop with a customized video. Create a Snapchat filter or station for your event, have people taking pictures throughout the event and upload them to a screen for people to see. Use speakers to pulse smart-lighting at your event.
• Decorate with custom candy in the event colors, disposable photo tableware and even personalized or photo confetti.
• The key to décor is to personalize and customize your space for your guests. The more customization, the more your guests get to know your grad!